Forget the stones, zeppelin, and ac/dc,
i see 2 sisters today inj the fs .. so stop and start working them, they are so happy i know much about the wt.
i went into some thing about selling mag's etc.
and all of a sudden they went wild on how at the hall the co or somebody was asking for thousands of $'s for an assembly .
Forget the stones, zeppelin, and ac/dc,
the emphasis of the organization's talks and "encouragement" is to continue believing everything that the "slave" has said because it comes from the "slave" and therefore comes through god.
if you have a doubt, know that it comes from satan.
if you don't understand the watchtower's interpetation of bible prophecy, wait on jehovah and just continue doing what we tell you to do.
GO Minimus!
That's the tower in a ''NUT'' shell!
Thanks for saying it, say it again, it bears repeating.
I think we need more plain common sense posts here, as (hopefully) our goal is to comfort and be welcoming to those in need.
hi my name is susie.
i was a jw never baptized though for 12 years until my aunt was d'fed and my mother said she would not stop talking to her sister.
so she has disassociated herself at the smae time that is now going on 12 years ago.
Welcome Susie!!
i heard about this on the news earlier, i only caught the tail end of the report.
what i dont understand is why she did it.
why she was only charged with child endangerment and not attempted murder?
I too wonder why this was not attempted murder!
However, I personally have no desire to live in a country that forces the majority of law abidding, sensible populace to be subject to licensure or laws made to thwart the few morally deficient.
Majority rules, minority placates, and wacko's go to prison!!!
congrats watchtower.
you've survived the 19th and 20th centuries.
no mean feat.
Thoughtful Post, and I think you are probobly right.
Faced with absolute resistance, change (reform) is more likely than non-existance.
I really don't see how they can continue using emotional (family) influence, when so many of us couldn't or wouldn't stay despite great upheaval in our relationships. Family or Freedom? Well, I made my choice!
So effective, but not permanant.
That is why I was wondering about their next move. And I am glad to see your post on the possibilities. Very insightful!
my mother attended the funeral of an elderly jw recently.
the person that passed away was in her 90's had been a jw since the 1930's and her late husband was one of the "annointed" although she didn't claim that for herself.
every few months i hear of old jws passing away.
So right.
Plus, the good u.s.a gives them the freedoms to be as wacky as they wanna be. Many third world countries will not allow that malarky.
Which gives them fodder such as ''persecution''.
Big Wienie?
my mother attended the funeral of an elderly jw recently.
the person that passed away was in her 90's had been a jw since the 1930's and her late husband was one of the "annointed" although she didn't claim that for herself.
every few months i hear of old jws passing away.
This is an interesting post Thirdson.
Get's me wondering if the borg ever keeps their ears tuned into the younger generations to plot tomorrow's ''new light''!
Advertising agencies use demographics, and all to plan future sales, so I figure, the dubs can't be far behind. You can't sell what people won't buy after all.
Anyway, good post thirdson, and nice to meet you!
so my father passed away in october, he was not a dub.
anyways, sm writes a letter after two years of silence, full of jw lingo, .
and imho, riddled with guilt.
Thanks Scully.
You are so right...
Tex, I thank you for making me realize what she meant by , ''I tried to help him''. I think you are right on that, and I was thinking she meant something else.
At any rate, they were cold words, and of no comfort to me. A simple, ''I am sorry for your loss'' would have been sufficient. I guess it was the lack of any concern for me, that made me angry. And the fact that the letter seemed to want me to confirm her ''happiness'' since she and my father divorced. It sounded alot like my Father was the sole reason for her misery, and that is simply not the case. Her involvment with the dubs has been the main problem!
so my father passed away in october, he was not a dub.
anyways, sm writes a letter after two years of silence, full of jw lingo, .
and imho, riddled with guilt.
So my father passed away in October, he was not a Dub. Far from it. Anyways, SM writes a letter after two years of silence, full of JW lingo,
and IMHO, riddled with guilt. She is married to an elder now, and very involved in THE LIE. The last line goes, ''I am happy now, as happy as I can be in this SYSTEM OF THINGS''!
She basically states that Dad asked for it, (death) and she ''tried to help him''.
I haven't written her back, and do not intend to. Anyway, it was apparent that she is miserable.... I feel sorry for her, but still angry also.....